Happy Friday! 🧃
I wonder what mommy is cooking there 🥘
I help my mom patch pants 🧵🪡
- So you say, king, king... Do you think it’s easy for us kings? Nothing like that! All workers have two days off per week. We kings work seven days a week. Our working hours are irregular. 👑
I hid well 🙈
Happy Monday! ☃️
When I first came to ballet school 🩰
Saturday is a good day! 🧘♂️
是真的可愛還是親媽濾鏡 自從養了小貓咪之後 就開始理解每天曬娃的人的心情了 每天都想給它拍照 每天想發pyq 誰懂啊誰懂啊!
倒過來拍我真的會心動詶 ee們 奶米是不是倒過來更可愛啦~ 請放大親 用力吸